& Awards Gala

Rene Cloukey (Suzanne Goucher Broadcast Achievement Winner)
Barbara Quill
Mal Leary (posthumously)

Partnership Spots

The MAB Mission
* LOBBYING-in Augusta and in Washington, to advocate for legislation beneficial to broadcasters--and to oppose proposed legislation that would be harmful to our industry.
* SCHOLARSHIPS-To students pursuing a career in broadcasting,
journalism, engineering or related fields. The future of our industry depends on young people choosing a career in broadcasting.
* PAID INTERNSHIPS-Assisting Maine broadcasters with the costs of real-world experience inside a station-while providing our members staffing solutions for their operations
*EQUIPMENT GRANTS-To educational institutions providing training for the next generation of broadcasters
* ALTERNATIVE INSPECTION PROGRAM- Every three years, the MAB pays 80% of the cost for a facility inspection-once a station has passed, they are immune from FCC inspections for 3 years, where fines for non-compliance can reach tens of thousands of dollars
* NEWS & CREATIVE AWARDS- Recognizing the best that Radio and Television stations produce each year. From Advertising to Audio and Video creative Production, News and Community Service, the very best of the best are honored
News & Posts
J. Hanson & Co. To Acquire Remainder of Stephen King’s Radio Stations
Stephen King’s Bangor Stations Sold-Will Stay On The Air!
NewsCenter Maine’s Rob Caldwell Wins Silver Circle Award!
Maine Radio Icon Bruce Stevens Passes
MAB Job Board Is Up!
Feel free to get in touch with us
Advertising FAQs
Here is the political rate calculator from Mark Levy of Revenue Development Resources.
Here are answers to your questions about political ads.
Here is a summary of the key political races in Maine and the U.S. and how often they are conducted.
Here is a summary of Maine law concerning the required disclaimers and sponsor IDs on political ads.
Thanks to the 2004 passage of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act and the US Supreme Court’s decision in McConnell v. FEC, there are some new rules broadcasters must follow. And there are the perennial thorny issues of lowest unit rate calculations and the like.
Here is an advisory on political advertising from noted FCC law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, along with a Q&A file addressing some of the questions on political advertising that MAB has received in recent years.
Visit the FCC’s political programming site, which includes a link to relevant federal law and regulations.
A .pdf of NAB’s PB-18 Political Agreement Forms is now free to NAB members. The PB-18 on CD is discounted for NAB members. Visit nabstore.com for details. Non-NAB members can also purchase the PB-18 from the NAB Store at a slightly higher rate. Sorry, but MAB cannot supply these forms; they must be purchased directly from NAB.
Can a retailer advertise an offer to pay the sales tax on a consumer’s purchase? No. Not only can the retailer not advertise it, he/she can’t do it in the first place. Under Maine law, payment of sales tax is the responsibility of the ultimate end purchaser. That responsibility cannot be assigned to or assumed by another. Here is an excerpt from Maine Revenue Services’ General Informational Bulletin on sales taxes:
A seller cannot advertise that no sales tax will be charged on otherwise taxable items or that no sales tax will be charged on certain days or period of time (otherwise known as a tax holiday). It is illegal for any seller to advertise or hold out or state to the public or to any consumer that the sales tax or any portion of it will not be collected, or will be absorbed by the retailer, or that if collected it will be refunded. If the retailer does not state the amount of the tax separately from the sale price of tangible personal property or taxable services, the retailer shall include a statement on the sales slip or invoice presented to the purchaser that the stated price includes Maine sales tax.
Who pays the sales tax on contest prizes, the station or the prize winner? As noted above, sales tax is paid by the end consumer. However, much depends on how the contest is structured. This is a complex area. Stations should consult their legal counsel for advice based on the specific facts and circumstances of the contest.
Does a broadcast station have to charge sales tax on a video or audio tape that contains a spot it produced for a client? Possibly. Advertising agencies and graphic designers that make sales of tangible personal property and/or fabrication services are required to register as sellers with the State Tax Assessor and to collect, report and remit the Maine sales tax on taxable sales to their clients. Sales tax applies to the entire amount charged to clients for items of tangible personal property such as drawings, paintings, designs, photographs, layouts, audio and video tapes, lettering, assemblies and printed materials such as catalogs, brochures, pamphlets and fliers. Costs incurred by the agency in the production of these items and services performed by the agency which are a part of the production of these items are a part of the taxable sale price of the item, whether or not they are separately stated in the billing to the customer. View the complete Maine Revenue Services instructional bulletin on Advertising Agencies and Graphic Designers.
Maine communities depend on Radio and TV stations to keep them informed and entertained–and Maine businesses rely on broadcasters to spread the word about their goods and services. No other advertising medium has a greater penetration with Maine people than over-the-air broadcasters–the lifeblood of our small to large businesses and always there for Maine people.
Advertising FAQs
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