2024 News & Creative Awards Winning Stations



If a CATEGORY is MISSING, this is indicative of less than 3 entries, as stipulated in Rules, there was no MABBIE awarded.

BEST SPOT:                                                              RADIO:       WNSX-FM        * WTHT-FM

                                                                                        TV:                 *WAGM-TV         NEWSCENTER MAINE

BEST CAMPAIGN:                                                  RADIO:       *WVOM-FM        WBLM-FM

                                                                                        TV:                 *WGME-TV         NEWSCENTER MAINE


                                                                                        TV:                  ME PUBLIC      *NEWSCENTER MAINE

PUBLIC AFFAIRS:                                                  RADIO:         WMPG-FM       *WMEA-FM

                                                                                        TV:                   *WABI-TV            WGME-TV

SELF PROMOTION;                                              RADIO:          WNSX-FM         *WHTP-FM

                                                                                        TV:                   *WMTW-TV         NEWSCENTER MAINE

SELF PROMOTION CAMPAIGN:                     RADIO:         *WMGX-FM        WBLM-FM

                                                                                         TV:                   WMTW-TV        *NEWSCENTER MAINE

SPORTS FEATURE:                                                 TV:                   WGME-TV          *NEWSCENTER MAINE


SPORTS PROGRAM/FEATURE:                       RADIO:          *WSKW-FM         WJJB-FM


SPORTS PLAY-BY-PLAY/FEATURE:                RADIO:           WJJB-FM            *WBQX-FM

                                                                                          TV:                    WABI-TV            *WMTW-TV

FEATURE:                                                                     RADIO:           *WERU-FM         WMEA-FM

                                                                                           TV:                    *ME PUBLIC       NEWSCENTER MAINE


                                                                                            TV:                   WGME-TV           *WMTW-TV

AIR PERSONALITY:                                                   RADIO:          *WTOS-FM           WFNK-FM

BEST WEATHERCAST:                                              TV:                     *WGME-TV            WMTW-TV

BEST ON-AIR CONTEST:                                          RADIO:           WPOR-FM            *WMGX-FM

BEST SPORTSCAST:                                                   TV:                     WMTW-TV            *WGME-TV

MORNING SHOW/TEAM:                                        RADIO:            WTHT-FM             *WHOM-FM

                                                                                               TV:                     WMTW-TV            *NEWSCENTER MAINE

PHOTOJOURNALISM:                                                TV:                     WVII-TV                  *NEWSCENTER MAINE

SPOT NEWS:                                                                   RADIO *WNSX-FM


                                                                                               TV:                      * WMTW-TV            WGME-TV

MULTI-MEDIA JOURNALIST:                                   TV:                       *WVII-TV                  WABI-TV

CONTINUING COVERAGE:                                      RADIO:              *WMEA-FM            WMGX-FM

                                                                                                TV:                        WABI-TV               *WMTW-TV

ELECTION COVERAGE:                                             RADIO:              WMEA-FM            *WGAN-AM/FM

                                                                                                TV:                       WMTW-TV            *NEWSCENTER MAINE

ENTERPRISE:                                                                   RADIO:             WMEA-FM            *WNSX-FM

                                                                                                 TV:                      *NEWSCENTER MAINE   (BOTH)

BEST NEWSCAST:                                                          RADIO:             WNSX-FM              *WVOM-FM

                                                                                                 TV:                      * WGME-TV               WMTW-TV

SOCIAL MEDIA-NEWS                                                 DIGITAL:           WABI-TV                 *WGME-TV

SOCIAL MEDIA-ENTERTAINMENT:                        DIGITAL:           *WPOR-FM              TOWNSQUARE

BEST WEBSITE:                                                                DIGITAL:           *WGME-TV              WAGM-TV

COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY:                            RADIO:              *WHOM-FM            WPOR-FM

STATION OF THE YEAR:                                                RADIO:              WVOM-FM             *WPOR-FM

                                                                                                   TV:                       WABI-TV                  *WMTW-TV            






Tips for Success

  • Designate ONE person from your Production or Programming staff to be the coordinator for your station’s entries.
  • Make a LIST of all of your entries—and which category they will compete in
  • Go to: www.rockourawards.com and create your account:
  • Click on REGISTRATION in Upper Right and Fill in your info
  • Proceed to LOGIN Page and log in using your new Username and Password
  • You will be taken to your company’s homepage.
  • To Submit your entry, click on the “SUBMIT ENTRY” button
  • Choose CATEGORY and fill out the Title of Entry. THIS IS WHAT WILL APPEAR ON YOUR AWARD, so be careful of spelling!
  • UPLOAD any files that go with your award category.
  • Acceptable file formats are: .png,.jpg,.gif,.mp3, .mp4,.avi,..mov, .wmv, .doc, and .pdf. YouTube and other web links are also acceptable and in some cases may be necessary.
  • In COMMENTS section, add any additional info/explanation of the entry-these will be seen by the Judges
  • CREDIT-Tell us who should get credit for this submission-CHECK SPELLING CAREFULLY!
  • Click SUBMIT
  • You can VIEW your entries at any time from your Company Homepage—you can also EDIT from here.
  • Please don’t wait until the LAST DAY to upload files—add files as you go along
  • If you have a RockOurAwards account and cannot remember your password, email info@rockourawards.com to reset it
  • PLEASE avoid special characters in FILE NAMES for upload. Dashes, dots and underscores are OK, but # and apostrophes in particular will be rejected



BEST NEWSCAST: A single newscast aired during the Period of Eligibility. Only ONE entry per station. Time limit of 30 minutes (may be scoped)

SPOT NEWS: Coverage of a breaking news story, covered within a 24 hour period

ENTERPRISE: Original Reporting that is not generated by a news event or Press Release

FEATURE: A story aired as relief or contrast to serious reporting

PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Single program or series showing in-depth coverage of an event or issue. Entries may be “telescoped” and not exceed 30 minutes in length

CONTINUING COVERAGE: Coverage of an issue or event that continued for more than 24 hours. Entries may not exceed 15 minutes in length

ELECTION COVERAGE: Sampling of a station’s primary or general election coverage. Entries may not exceed 15 minutes in length

FAITH-BASED PROGRAMMING: A Program or Feature showcasing religious content-entries may not exceed 15 minutes in length

SPORTS FEATURE: A feature story other than play-by-play or sportscast

LOCALLY PRODUCED PROGRAM: An entertainment, public affairs or informational program-length show produced by the station. Entries may be scoped and may not exceed 15 minutes

BEST SPOT:  An individual commercial, :60 or less that sells a product or service

BEST CAMPAIGN:  Up to three (3) commercials, :60 or less each, for an individual advertiser

SELF PROMOTION: An individual spot, :60 or less, designed to promote your station, programming or events, aired on the station it was intended to promote

SELF PROMOTION CAMPAIGN: Up to three (3) spots, :60 or less each, designed to promote your station, programming or events, aired on the station it was intended to promote

PUBLIC SERVICE:  A Public Service spot or campaign (sponsored or unsponsored) designed to heighten awareness of  community problem or public issue or to promote a non-profit organization or event. Entry may consist of up to 3 station-produced PSAs and/or up to 10 minutes of airtime from a remote or live or taped broadcast (may be telescoped)

MORNING SHOW OR TEAM: Maximum 30 minutes of aircheck from one show airing from 5am-10am. Only one (1) entry per team or individual on a team. Stations simulcasting more than 50% must consider themselves as one station for the purposes of entry. Must be local-network or syndicated programming will not be accepted. Recorded comedy bits are OK-and clips from non-local sources. This award will be judged on entertainment value, originality, production value and community engagement

COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY AWARD: Each year, the MAB will present the Commitment to Community Award to (1) Radio station and (1) Television station that has gone the extra mile to support and highlight a nonprofit organization, charity or community cause. Each award will carry with it a $500 donation from the MAB to the organization that is the subject of the broadcast. This award will be granted to the First Place Winner of the Public Service Award. Once a station has won the Commitment to Community Award for a particular organization, it will be prohibited from entering the same organization for a period of three years

STATION OF THE YEAR:  Stations may submit audio and video up to 15 minutes total time and any supporting photos, documents and narrative detailing the station’s programming and community service during the Period of Eligibility. Entries will be judged on overall community service, staff engagement, and comprehensive excellence in programming.


                                                      CATEGORIES FOR RADIO ONLY


AIR PERSONALITY: Maximum 15 minutes of aircheck from one show outside of AM Drive. Only one (1) entry per team or individual on a team. Stations simulcasting more than 50% must consider themselves as one station for the purposes of entry. Must be local-network or syndicated programming will not be accepted. Recorded comedy bits are OK-and clips from non-local sources. This award will be judged on entertainment value, overall flow of show, production value and community engagement

BEST ON-AIR CONTEST: Entries may consist of up to three (3) promo spots, :60 or less and no more than 5:00 minutes of live broadcast (i.e. contest winner) Entries judged on originality and execution and entertainment value

SPORTS PROGRAM/FEATURE:  A sports program, such as a highlights show or live broadcast of a sports event. May use network or other non-local clips, but must be produced by the station and hosted/announced by station employees. Entries must be continuous (not edited or scoped) and not exceed 15 minutes

SPORTS PLAY-BY-PLAY:  A sports program, such as a highlights show or live broadcast of a sports event. May use network or other non-local clips, but must be produced by the station and hosted/announced by station employees. Entries must be continuous (not edited or scoped) and not exceed 15 minutes


                                                      CATEGORIES FOR TELEVISION ONLY 


BEST SPORTSCAST: A sportscast, as aired within a newscast. Only one entry per station. Must be locally produced and use on-air personnel who are paid employees of the station. For this category, submit only the sportscast segment (not entire news program) Entries may not exceed 10 minutes.


SPORTS PLAY-BY-PLAY or FEATURE:  A sports program, such as a highlights show or live broadcast of a sports event. May use network or other non-local clips, but must be produced by the station and hosted/announced by station employees. Entries must be continuous (not edited or scoped) and not exceed 15 minutes

BEST WEATHERCAST: A weathercast, as aired within a newscast. Only one entry per station. Must be locally produced and use on-air personnel who are paid employees of the station. For this category, submit only the weathercast segment (not entire news program) Entries may not exceed 10 minutes.

MULTI-MEDIA JOURNALIST: A Report or Feature where one journalist is responsible for all aspects of the piece, including writing, filming, editing and reporting

PHOTOJOURNALISM: A single story, aired within a news program, not longer than 10 minutes


                                                              DIGITAL CATEGORIES

BEST WEBSITE:  Stations should submit the URL of the Home page of the station’s website. Website may be hosted on a broadcast-network or other third-party server, but must contain at least 50% locally produced content. Sites will be judged based on layout, organization, ease of navigation and usefulness of content. One entry per station.

BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA-NEWS FOCUS:  This award recognizes a station’s use of Twitter, Facebook Instagram and other platforms along with blogs, apps and other tools to inform the public. Criteria includes the frequency and quality of updates, use of station-created content and use of audio and video. Stations should submit a .pdf file, not more than 5 pages, containing a narrative and examples of social media use.

BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA-ENTERTAINMENT FOCUS:  This award recognizes a station’s use of Twitter, Facebook Instagram and other platforms along with blogs, apps and other tools to connect with its audience. Criteria includes the frequency and quality of updates, use of station-created content and use of audio and video. Stations should submit a .pdf file, not more than 5 pages, containing a narrative and examples of social media use.