WCSH Radio-Back In The 70’s!

You’ve the IBM Selectric typewriter (state of the art)–and an office setting that could be a law firm, but, NO! It’s WCSH Radio on February 3, 1977! Don’t know the

Trio Of Legends!

This photo taken at Sebasco Estates for what was the 50th MAB Annual Convention in 1997! From left to right, Gil Maxwell from MPBN, Bob “Doc” Fuller of Fuller-Jeffery Broadcasting

Dedicating The WGAN-TV Tower

At the time it was built in 1959, the 1,624 foot tower was the tallest structure IN THE WORLD! That designation didn’t last very long, but if you have ever

WABI-TV Control Room-Circa 1960’s!

No robot cameras, no computers—but a lot of monitors and staff to produce a broadcast in Bangor on WABI-TV in the early 1960’s! We salute WABI-TV on this, their 70th

WBLM-The Blimp Celebrates 50 Years!

A great tribute to The Blimp–102.9 WBLM-Portland-celebrating a half century of rockin’ Maine! WBLM radio station celebrates 50 years of classic rock in Maine | newscentermaine.com