Your not-so-silent business partner: The Federal Communications Commission
If you need an answer to an FCC issue, start here.
The FCC And The Public Some viewer/listener complaints are frivolous (“I’m sick of hearing the same songs all the time”), whereas others may involve FCC rules (“I think that song is obscene”). You need to know what the public can expect and demand from you, the broadcaster, as well as the FCC! Here are three links that will provide valuable information:
Hallikainen’s FCC Rules — a searchable database of the relevant sections of the Code of Federal Regulations.
The FCC and Indecency: It’s a moving target,
but there are some good general guidelines at the FCC’s website.
“The Public and Broadcasting” — an FCC publication.
FCC Antenna And Tower Information Questions about your tower registration number? Need the latest FCC rule about antenna or tower rules? The Antenna Structure Registration page is a great place to start! The tower lighting and marking rules are in 47 C.F.R. Part 17, which you can access at the Hallikainen website linked above.
FCC Electronic Form Filing Pages More and more FCC filings must be made electronically. There are specific rules and requirements to be followed. Get more information on electronic form filings.
FCC Forms Get a complete summary of the forms needed to be filed with the FCC, as well as help in getting the forms and filling out the forms. This page also includes a telephone numbers at the FCC to call for both help and forms. Download FCC forms.
FCC Information The FCC’s website is huge! You can search for subjects by starting at their home page.
FCC Media Bureau The Mass Media Bureau and the Cable Bureau have merged into one department, the Media Bureau.
FCC Registration Number As of 12/3/01, all persons and entities doing business with the FCC must obtain an FCC Registration Number. You can receive a number or update your registration online.
FCC Regulatory Fees FCC annual fees are due between September 10th and September 25th. Get more information on the FCC Regulatory Fees page.
FCC Self-Inspection Checklists Make sure your station is operating within the FCC requirements. Review the FCC Self-Inspection checklists to avoid trouble and fines.
FCC Mailing Addresses
FCC Filing Address: All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the FCC Secretary should be delivered between 8AM and 7PM to:
Federal Communications Commission
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Suite 110
Washington, DC 20002
FCC Mailing Address: If you want to “snail mail” the FCC (US Postal Service first-class mail, Express Mail and Priority Mail) send your correspondence to:
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St. SW
Washington, DC 20554
FCC Non-filing Address: All other messenger-delivered documents should be delivered between 8AM and 5:30PM, to:
Federal Communications Commission
9300 East Hampton Dr.
Capitol Heights, MD 20743