Freedom of Information and Freedom of Access

The people’s business should be conducted in the sunshine.

Maine has taken enormous strides in recent years to beef up compliance with its Freedom of Access laws, but much remains to be done.

The Maine Freedom of Information Coalition is a group of organizations, including MAB, and citizens interested in pressing for openness in government documents and proceedings. The Coalition has conducted two major audits of public records in Maine, with surprising and, in some cases, disturbing results. The audit reports are at the MFOIC website, along with membership info.

In 2006, the Maine Legislature created the Right to Know Advisory Committee, a permanent body whose charge is to serve as a resource for ensuring compliance with FOA laws. Maine broadcasters have two seats on this panel.

There is a page at the state website that includes links to Maine’s FOA laws and other useful resources.

The National Freedom of Information Coalition also offers useful links and information.