News Resources

From Maine election law information, to rules about cameras in the Maine courtrooms, we’ve assembled a page of helpful news information.*

Maine Freedom of Information Act
The Maine Freedom of Information Coalition can help you figure out where to get the information you need. This is a very rich site! Visit Maine Freedom of Information Coalition

Pool Rules for Coverage of Maine’s Courts
How is Maine dealing with courtroom cameras? What can you do? What can you not do? Get the complete details in this document.

Maine’s Right To Know Law
This law has been (and continues to be) the subject of controversy. Recent audits have shown that a significant number of agencies “flunked.” Here are some RTK resources.

Drawing the Line
Here is a guide to avoiding illegal content for the on-air performer.

News Websites

Journalist Express
This site has it all, from information to advice. Every broadcast journalist should bookmark this site (and probably become a member!). Experience Journalist Express

The Poynter Institute From industry news and media headlines to ethics guidelines and storytelling tips, Poynter provides a wealth of information for practicing journalists.  Visit Poynter

If you’re looking for a good site that keeps broadcast journalists up-to-date, try Newslab. Lots of articles that deal with day-to-day issues. Visit Newslab

PR Newswire
Need an expert? Looking for an information source? This site matches information seekers with information sources. Search PR Newswire

Society of Professional Journalists SPJ has a Maine Pro Chapter.  The national website offers on-demand training, FOI and ethics resources, and more.  Visit SPJ

RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association)
This is the grandaddy of broadcast news organizations. They provide training, resources, and advice for broadcast journalists. They conduct research, commission survey’s and keep a pulse on broadcast news. Check out RTDNA

*MAB does not endorse or materially participate in any of the links shown on this page.